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change_detector_agent.rb 2.1KB

    module Agents class ChangeDetectorAgent < Agent cannot_be_scheduled! description <<-MD The ChangeDetectorAgent receives a stream of events and emits a new event when a property of the received event changes. `property` specifies the property to be watched. `expected_update_period_in_days` is used to determine if the Agent is working. The resulting event will be a copy of the received event. MD event_description <<-MD This will change based on the source event. If you were event from the ShellCommandAgent, your outbound event might look like: { 'command' => 'pwd', 'path' => '/home/Huginn', 'exit_status' => '0', 'errors' => '', 'output' => '/home/Huginn' } MD def default_options { 'property' => '{{output}}', 'expected_update_period_in_days' => 1 } end def validate_options unless options['property'].present? && options['expected_update_period_in_days'].present? errors.add(:base, "The property and expected_update_period_in_days fields are all required.") end end def working? event_created_within?(interpolated['expected_update_period_in_days']) && !recent_error_logs? end def receive(incoming_events) incoming_events.each do |event| handle(interpolated(event), event) end end private def handle(opts, event = nil) property = opts['property'] if has_changed?(property) created_event = create_event :payload => event.payload log("Propagating new event as property has changed to #{property} from #{last_property}", :outbound_event => created_event, :inbound_event => event ) update_memory(property) else log("Not propagating as incoming event has not changed from #{last_property}.", :inbound_event => event ) end end def has_changed?(property) property != last_property end def last_property self.memory['last_property'] end def update_memory(property) self.memory['last_property'] = property end end end