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agents_controller_spec.rb 5.0KB

    require 'spec_helper' describe AgentsController do def valid_attributes(options = {}) { :type => "Agents::WebsiteAgent", :name => "Something", :options => agents(:bob_website_agent).options.to_json, :source_ids => [agents(:bob_weather_agent).id, ""] }.merge(options) end describe "GET index" do it "only returns Agents for the current user" do sign_in users(:bob) get :index assigns(:agents).all? {|i| i.user.should == users(:bob) }.should be_true end end describe "GET show" do it "only shows Agents for the current user" do sign_in users(:bob) get :show, :id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param assigns(:agent).should eq(agents(:bob_website_agent)) lambda { get :show, :id => agents(:jane_website_agent).to_param }.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end describe "GET edit" do it "only shows Agents for the current user" do sign_in users(:bob) get :edit, :id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param assigns(:agent).should eq(agents(:bob_website_agent)) lambda { get :edit, :id => agents(:jane_website_agent).to_param }.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end describe "POST create" do it "errors on bad types" do sign_in users(:bob) expect { post :create, :agent => valid_attributes(:type => "Agents::ThisIsFake") }.not_to change { users(:bob).agents.count } assigns(:agent).should be_a(Agent) assigns(:agent).should have(1).error_on(:type) sign_in users(:bob) expect { post :create, :agent => valid_attributes(:type => "Object") }.not_to change { users(:bob).agents.count } assigns(:agent).should be_a(Agent) assigns(:agent).should have(1).error_on(:type) sign_in users(:bob) expect { post :create, :agent => valid_attributes(:type => "Agent") }.not_to change { users(:bob).agents.count } assigns(:agent).should be_a(Agent) assigns(:agent).should have(1).error_on(:type) expect { post :create, :agent => valid_attributes(:type => "User") }.not_to change { users(:bob).agents.count } assigns(:agent).should be_a(Agent) assigns(:agent).should have(1).error_on(:type) end it "creates Agents for the current user" do sign_in users(:bob) expect { expect { post :create, :agent => valid_attributes }.to change { users(:bob).agents.count }.by(1) }.to change { Link.count }.by(1) assigns(:agent).should be_a(Agents::WebsiteAgent) end it "shows errors" do sign_in users(:bob) expect { post :create, :agent => valid_attributes(:name => "") }.not_to change { users(:bob).agents.count } assigns(:agent).should have(1).errors_on(:name) response.should render_template("new") end it "will not accept Agent sources owned by other users" do sign_in users(:bob) expect { expect { post :create, :agent => valid_attributes(:source_ids => [agents(:jane_weather_agent).id]) }.not_to change { users(:bob).agents.count } }.not_to change { Link.count } end end describe "PUT update" do it "does not allow changing types" do sign_in users(:bob) post :update, :id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:type => "Agents::WeatherAgent") assigns(:agent).should have(1).errors_on(:type) response.should render_template("edit") end it "updates attributes on Agents for the current user" do sign_in users(:bob) post :update, :id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:name => "New name") response.should redirect_to(agents_path) agents(:bob_website_agent).reload.name.should == "New name" lambda { post :update, :id => agents(:jane_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:name => "New name") }.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end it "will not accept Agent sources owned by other users" do sign_in users(:bob) post :update, :id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:source_ids => [agents(:jane_weather_agent).id]) assigns(:agent).should have(1).errors_on(:sources) end it "shows errors" do sign_in users(:bob) post :update, :id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:name => "") assigns(:agent).should have(1).errors_on(:name) response.should render_template("edit") end end describe "DELETE destroy" do it "destroys only Agents owned by the current user" do sign_in users(:bob) expect { delete :destroy, :id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param }.to change(Agent, :count).by(-1) lambda { delete :destroy, :id => agents(:jane_website_agent).to_param }.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end end