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agents_exporter.rb 2.1KB

    class AgentsExporter attr_accessor :options def initialize(options) self.options = options end # Filename should have no commas or special characters to support Content-Disposition on older browsers. def filename ((options[:name] || '').downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9_-]/, '-').gsub(/-+/, '-').gsub(/^-|-$/, '').presence || 'exported-agents') + ".json" end def as_json(opts = {}) { schema_version: 1, name: options[:name].presence || 'No name provided', description: options[:description].presence || 'No description provided', source_url: options[:source_url], guid: options[:guid], tag_fg_color: options[:tag_fg_color], tag_bg_color: options[:tag_bg_color], icon: options[:icon], exported_at: Time.now.utc.iso8601, agents: agents.map { |agent| agent_as_json(agent) }, links: links, control_links: control_links } end def agents options[:agents].sort_by{|agent| agent.guid}.to_a end def links agent_ids = agents.map(&:id) contained_links = agents.map.with_index do |agent, index| agent.links_as_source.where(receiver_id: agent_ids).map do |link| { source: index, receiver: agent_ids.index(link.receiver_id) } end end contained_links.flatten.compact end def control_links agent_ids = agents.map(&:id) contained_controller_links = agents.map.with_index do |agent, index| agent.control_links_as_controller.where(control_target_id: agent_ids).map do |control_link| { controller: index, control_target: agent_ids.index(control_link.control_target_id) } end end contained_controller_links.flatten.compact end def agent_as_json(agent) { :type => agent.type, :name => agent.name, :disabled => agent.disabled, :guid => agent.guid, :options => agent.options }.tap do |options| options[:schedule] = agent.schedule if agent.can_be_scheduled? options[:keep_events_for] = agent.keep_events_for if agent.can_create_events? options[:propagate_immediately] = agent.propagate_immediately if agent.can_receive_events? end end end