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scenarios_controller_spec.rb 6.9KB

    require 'rails_helper' describe ScenariosController do def valid_attributes(options = {}) { :name => "some_name" }.merge(options) end before do sign_in users(:bob) end describe "GET index" do it "only returns Scenarios for the current user" do get :index expect(assigns(:scenarios).all? {|i| expect(i.user).to eq(users(:bob)) }).to be_truthy end end describe "GET show" do it "only shows Scenarios for the current user" do get :show, params: {:id => scenarios(:bob_weather).to_param} expect(assigns(:scenario)).to eq(scenarios(:bob_weather)) expect { get :show, params: {:id => scenarios(:jane_weather).to_param} }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end it "loads Agents for the requested Scenario" do get :show, params: {:id => scenarios(:bob_weather).to_param} expect(assigns(:agents).pluck(:id).sort).to eq(scenarios(:bob_weather).agents.pluck(:id).sort) end end describe "GET share" do it "only displays Scenario share information for the current user" do get :share, params: {:id => scenarios(:bob_weather).to_param} expect(assigns(:scenario)).to eq(scenarios(:bob_weather)) expect { get :share, params: {:id => scenarios(:jane_weather).to_param} }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end describe "GET export" do it "returns a JSON file download from an instantiated AgentsExporter" do get :export, params: {:id => scenarios(:bob_weather).to_param} expect(assigns(:exporter).options[:name]).to eq(scenarios(:bob_weather).name) expect(assigns(:exporter).options[:description]).to eq(scenarios(:bob_weather).description) expect(assigns(:exporter).options[:agents]).to eq(scenarios(:bob_weather).agents) expect(assigns(:exporter).options[:guid]).to eq(scenarios(:bob_weather).guid) expect(assigns(:exporter).options[:tag_fg_color]).to eq(scenarios(:bob_weather).tag_fg_color) expect(assigns(:exporter).options[:tag_bg_color]).to eq(scenarios(:bob_weather).tag_bg_color) expect(assigns(:exporter).options[:source_url]).to be_falsey expect(response.headers['Content-Disposition']).to eq('attachment; filename="bob-s-weather-alert-scenario.json"') expect(response.headers['Content-Type']).to eq('application/json; charset=utf-8') expect(JSON.parse(response.body)["name"]).to eq(scenarios(:bob_weather).name) end it "only exports private Scenarios for the current user" do get :export, params: {:id => scenarios(:bob_weather).to_param} expect(assigns(:scenario)).to eq(scenarios(:bob_weather)) expect { get :export, params: {:id => scenarios(:jane_weather).to_param} }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end describe "public exports" do before do scenarios(:jane_weather).update_attribute :public, true end it "exports public scenarios for other users when logged in" do get :export, params: {:id => scenarios(:jane_weather).to_param} expect(assigns(:scenario)).to eq(scenarios(:jane_weather)) expect(assigns(:exporter).options[:source_url]).to eq(export_scenario_url(scenarios(:jane_weather))) end it "exports public scenarios for other users when logged out" do sign_out :user get :export, params: {:id => scenarios(:jane_weather).to_param} expect(assigns(:scenario)).to eq(scenarios(:jane_weather)) expect(assigns(:exporter).options[:source_url]).to eq(export_scenario_url(scenarios(:jane_weather))) end end end describe "GET edit" do it "only shows Scenarios for the current user" do get :edit, params: {:id => scenarios(:bob_weather).to_param} expect(assigns(:scenario)).to eq(scenarios(:bob_weather)) expect { get :edit, params: {:id => scenarios(:jane_weather).to_param} }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end describe "POST create" do it "creates Scenarios for the current user" do expect { post :create, params: {:scenario => valid_attributes} }.to change { users(:bob).scenarios.count }.by(1) end it "shows errors" do expect { post :create, params: {:scenario => valid_attributes(:name => "")} }.not_to change { users(:bob).scenarios.count } expect(assigns(:scenario)).to have(1).errors_on(:name) expect(response).to render_template("new") end it "will not create Scenarios for other users" do expect { post :create, params: {:scenario => valid_attributes(:user_id => users(:jane).id)} }.to raise_error(ActionController::UnpermittedParameters) end end describe "PUT update" do it "updates attributes on Scenarios for the current user" do post :update, params: {:id => scenarios(:bob_weather).to_param, :scenario => { :name => "new_name", :public => "1" }} expect(response).to redirect_to(scenario_path(scenarios(:bob_weather))) expect(scenarios(:bob_weather) eq("new_name") expect(scenarios(:bob_weather)).to be_public expect { post :update, params: {:id => scenarios(:jane_weather).to_param, :scenario => { :name => "new_name" }} }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) expect(scenarios(:jane_weather) eq("new_name") end it "shows errors" do post :update, params: {:id => scenarios(:bob_weather).to_param, :scenario => { :name => "" }} expect(assigns(:scenario)).to have(1).errors_on(:name) expect(response).to render_template("edit") end it 'adds an agent to the scenario' do expect { post :update, params: {:id => scenarios(:bob_weather).to_param, :scenario => { :name => "new_name", :public => "1", agent_ids: scenarios(:bob_weather).agent_ids + [agents(:bob_website_agent).id] }} }.to change { scenarios(:bob_weather).reload.agent_ids.length }.by(1) end end describe 'PUT enable_or_disable_all_agents' do it 'updates disabled on all agents in a scenario for the current user' do @params = {"scenario"=>{"disabled"=>"true"}, "commit"=>"Yes", "id"=> scenarios(:bob_weather).id} put :enable_or_disable_all_agents, params: @params expect(agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).disabled).to eq(true) expect(response).to redirect_to(scenario_path(scenarios(:bob_weather))) end end describe "DELETE destroy" do it "destroys only Scenarios owned by the current user" do expect { delete :destroy, params: {:id => scenarios(:bob_weather).to_param} }.to change(Scenario, :count).by(-1) expect { delete :destroy, params: {:id => scenarios(:jane_weather).to_param} }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end it "passes the mode to the model" do expect { delete :destroy, params: {id: scenarios(:bob_weather).to_param, mode: 'all_agents'} }.to change(Agent, :count).by(-2) end end end