A simple Whois server with a simple simple API and a front-end built with AngularJS.

Gemfile.lock 1.4KB

    GEM remote: http://rubygems.org/ specs: addressable (2.3.8) backports (3.6.4) coderay (1.1.0) domain_name (0.5.24) unf (>= 0.0.5, < 1.0.0) eventmachine (1.0.6) haml (3.1.6) http-cookie (1.0.2) domain_name (~> 0.5) json (1.7.3) kgio (2.7.4) method_source (0.8.2) mime-types (2.6.1) mixpanel-ruby (2.1.0) netrc (0.10.3) pry (0.10.1) coderay (~> 1.1.0) method_source (~> 0.8.1) slop (~> 3.4) rack (1.4.1) rack-cors (0.4.0) rack-protection (1.2.0) rack rack-test (0.6.3) rack (>= 1.0) raindrops (0.10.0) rb-readline (0.5.2) rest-client (1.8.0) http-cookie (>= 1.0.2, < 2.0) mime-types (>= 1.16, < 3.0) netrc (~> 0.7) sinatra (1.3.2) rack (~> 1.3, >= 1.3.6) rack-protection (~> 1.2) tilt (~> 1.3, >= 1.3.3) sinatra-contrib (1.3.2) backports (>= 2.0) eventmachine rack-protection rack-test sinatra (~> 1.3.0) tilt (~> 1.3) slop (3.6.0) tilt (1.3.3) unf (0.1.4) unf_ext unf_ext ( unicorn (4.3.1) kgio (~> 2.6) rack raindrops (~> 0.7) unirest (1.0.8) addressable json rest-client whois (2.6.3) PLATFORMS ruby DEPENDENCIES haml json mixpanel-ruby pry rack-cors rb-readline sinatra sinatra-contrib unicorn unirest whois BUNDLED WITH 1.10.4