/** * @ngdoc function * @name domainManagerApp.controller:AboutCtrl * @description * # AboutCtrl * Controller of the domainManagerApp */ angular.module('codexApp.sidebar', []) .controller('SidebarCtrl',['$scope', '$rootScope', '$state', 'PrefsService', "FileService", function ($scope, $rootScope, $state, PrefsService, FileService) { console.log('-> Sidebar loaded') $scope.showSidebar = true; $scope.goToAllNotes = function() { PrefsService.setCurrentView("All Notes"); $scope.activateSidebarBtn(0); $rootScope.$broadcast('main-window:note-list'); $rootScope.$broadcast('window-view:change'); $state.go("index"); } $scope.goToAllFiles = function() { PrefsService.setCurrentView("All Files"); $scope.activateSidebarBtn(1); $rootScope.$broadcast('main-window:file-list'); $rootScope.$broadcast('window-view:change'); $state.go("index"); } $scope.goToNotebooks = function() { FileService.setCurrentNote(FileService.getNote(FileService.getNotesDir())); PrefsService.setCurrentView("Notebooks"); $scope.activateSidebarBtn(2); $rootScope.$broadcast('main-window:file-list'); $rootScope.$broadcast('window-view:change'); $state.go("index"); } $rootScope.$on('main-window:note-view', function(){ $scope.activateSidebarBtn(); }); $rootScope.$on('sidebar:toogle', function() { if(!$scope.$$phase) { $scope.$apply(function(){ $scope.toogleSidebar(); }); } else { $scope.toogleSidebar(); } }); $scope.toogleSidebar = function() { if( $scope.showSidebar == true){ $scope.showSidebar = false; } else { $scope.showSidebar = true; } } $scope.sidebar = [ { "view" : "All Notes", "active" : "active" }, { "view" : "All Files", "active" : "" }, { "view" : "Notebooks", "active" : "" } ] $scope.activateSidebarBtn = function(num) { if(!$scope.$$phase) { $scope.$apply(function(){ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.sidebar.length; i++) { $scope.sidebar[i].active = ""; } $scope.sidebar[num].active = "active"; }); } else { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.sidebar.length; i++) { $scope.sidebar[i].active = ""; } if (typeof(num)==='undefined') return; $scope.sidebar[num].active = "active"; } } }]);