/** * @ngdoc function * @name domainManagerApp.controller:AboutCtrl * @description * # AboutCtrl * Controller of the domainManagerApp */ angular.module('codexApp.noteView', []) .controller('NoteViewCtrl',['$scope', '$rootScope', '$state', 'FileService', function ($scope, $rootScope, $state, FileService) { var marked = require('marked'); var filesystem = require("fs"); console.log('Note opened!') $scope.note = FileService.getCurrentNote(); $scope.container = "note-container"; $scope.raw_data = ""; filesystem.readFile($scope.note.path, function(err, data) { var str = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, data) if(!$scope.$$phase) { $scope.$apply(function(){ $scope.note.data = str; $scope.raw_data = str }); } else { $scope.note.data = str; $scope.raw_data = str; } //console.log($scope.raw_data); var a = document.getElementsByTagName('a'), ajax; for (var i=0; i Prevented link from opening: " + e.srcElement.href); } function updateContent() { // Do something with `this.responseText` } }); $scope.marked = function(str) { return marked(str); } $rootScope.$on('activate-note-view', function() { if(!$scope.$$phase) { $scope.$apply(function(){ $scope.showNoteView = true; $scope.showNoteEdit = false; }); } else { $scope.showNoteView = true; $scope.showNoteEdit = false; } }); $rootScope.$on('activate-note-edit', function() { if(!$scope.$$phase) { $scope.$apply(function(){ $scope.showNoteView = false; $scope.showNoteEdit = true; }); } else { $scope.showNoteView = false; $scope.showNoteEdit = true; } //console.log($scope.raw_data); }); $scope.aceLoaded = function(_editor) { _editor.setReadOnly(false); console.log($scope.raw_data); }; $scope.aceChanged = function(e) { console.log("-> Note data changed."); }; }]);