Desktop markdown wiki app. Built with node, Electron Framework and AngularJS.

file-service.js 5.3KB

    angular.module('codexApp') .service('FileService', [ '$rootScope', '$http', function($rootScope, $http) { var notes_dir = "/Users/james/dev/codex/codex"; var notes = []; var current_note = ""; var prettySize = function(bytes) { if (bytes <= 1024) { return bytes + " KB" } else { var megabytes = parseFloat(Math.round(bytes/1024 * 100) / 100).toFixed(0); return megabytes + " MB" } } var getFilePathExtension = function(path) { var filename = path.split('\\').pop().split('/').pop(); var lastIndex = filename.lastIndexOf("."); if (lastIndex < 1) return ""; return filename.substr(lastIndex + 1); } var getFileType = function(path) { var extension = getFilePathExtension(path); switch (extension) { case "pdf": return "Document"; case "jpg": return "Image"; case "png": return "Image"; case "md": return "Markdown"; default: return "File"; } } var directorySize = function(dir) { var filesystem = require("fs"); var size = 0; var results = []; filesystem.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function(file) { file_path = dir+'/'+file; var stat = filesystem.statSync(file_path); if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) { results = results.concat(directorySize(file_path)) } else { if(file != ".DS_Store") { size = size + stat["size"]; console.log("* " + stat["size"] + " KB -> " + file_path) } } }); return size; } var noteCount = function(){ var count = $scope.notes.length switch (count) { case 0: return '0 notes'; case 1: return '1 note'; default: return count + ' notes'; } } var SetFileInfo = function(jsonData, dir, file_path, stat) { //console.log(jsonData.title); if (typeof(jsonData)==='undefined') jsonData = {}; var file_obj = { title: jsonData.title, path: file_path, size: prettySize(directorySize(dir)), type: getFileType(file_path), author:, index: jsonData.index, id:, created_at: dateFormat(stat["birthdate"], "mediumDate"), modified_at: dateFormat(stat["mtime"], "mediumDate"), accessed_at: dateFormat(stat["atime"], "mediumDate") } return file_obj; } var getNotesFromFolders = function(dir) { if (typeof(dir)==='undefined') dir = notes_dir; var filesystem = require("fs"); filesystem.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function(file) { file_path = dir+'/'+file; var stat = filesystem.statSync(file_path); if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) { notes = notes.concat(getNotesFromFolders(file_path)) } else { if(file == "info.json"){ filesystem.readFile(file_path, function(err, data) { var jsonData = JSON.parse(data); var file_obj = SetFileInfo(jsonData, dir, file_path, stat) notes.push(file_obj); }); } } }); return notes; }; this.getNotesFromFolders = getNotesFromFolders; var getAllFilesFromFolder = function(dir) { if (typeof(dir)==='undefined') dir = notes_dir; var filesystem = require("fs"); var results = []; filesystem.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function(file) { file_path = dir+'/'+file; var stat = filesystem.statSync(file_path); if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) { results = results.concat(getAllFilesFromFolder(file_path)) } else { if(file != ".DS_Store" && file != "info.json") { var jsonData = {}; var file_obj = SetFileInfo(jsonData, dir, file_path, stat) results.push(file_obj); } } //console.log(file_obj); }); return results; }; var findNoteInFolder = function(note_id, dir) { if (typeof(dir)==='undefined') dir = notes_dir; var filesystem = require("fs"); var results = []; filesystem.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function(file) { file_path = dir+'/'+file; var stat = filesystem.statSync(file_path); if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) { results = results.concat(findNoteInFolder(note_id, file_path)) } else { if(file == "info.json"){ filesystem.readFile(file_path, function(err, data) { var jsonData = JSON.parse(data); console.log( if( == note_id){ var file_obj = SetFileInfo(jsonData, dir, file_path, stat) results.push(file_obj); } }); } } }); console.log(results); return results[0]; }; this.saveFile = function(file_path, content){ var fs = require('fs'); fs.writeFile(file_path, content, function(err) { if(err) { return console.log(err); } console.log("-> FILE SAVED: " + file_path); }); } // RESPONSE this.getNotes = function() { notes = []; return getAllFilesFromFolder(); } this.getCurrentNote = function() { return current_note; } this.setCurrentNote = function(note) { //console.log("searcing for: " + note_id) current_note = note; //console.log(current_note); console.log("Current_note: " + current_note.title) } }])