.service('FileService', [ '$rootScope', '$http', 'ThumbnailService', function($rootScope, $http, ThumbnailService) {
var notes_dir = "/Users/james/dev/codex/codex";
var default_notes_dir = "/Users/james/dev/codex/codex/inbox";
var default_home_note = "/Users/james/dev/codex/codex/index.md"
var notes = [];
var current_note = "";
var note_history = [];
var note_history_index = 0;
var prettySize = function(bytes) {
if (bytes <= 1024) {
return bytes + " KB"
} else {
var megabytes = parseFloat(Math.round(bytes/1024 * 100) / 100).toFixed(0);
return megabytes + " MB"
var getFilePathExtension = function(path) {
var filename = path.split('\\').pop().split('/').pop();
var lastIndex = filename.lastIndexOf(".");
if (lastIndex < 1) return "";
return filename.substr(lastIndex + 1);
var getFileType = function(path) {
var extension = getFilePathExtension(path);
if (typeof(extension)==='undefined' || extension == "") extension = 'dir';
switch (extension) {
case "pdf":
return "Document";
case "jpg":
return "Image";
case "png":
return "Image";
case "md":
return "Markdown";
case 'dir':
return "Folder";
return "File";
var directorySize = function(dir) {
var filesystem = require("fs");
var size = 0;
var results = [];
filesystem.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function(file) {
file_path = dir+'/'+file;
var stat = filesystem.statSync(file_path);
if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
results = results.concat(directorySize(file_path))
} else {
if(file != ".DS_Store") {
size = size + stat["size"];
//console.log("* " + stat["size"] + " KB -> " + file_path)
return size;
var noteCount = function(){
var count = $scope.notes.length
switch (count) {
case 0:
return '0 notes';
case 1:
return '1 note';
return count + ' notes';
var getThumbnail = function(file_path) {
var type = getFileType(file_path);
switch (type) {
case "Markdown":
return ThumbnailService.createNoteThumbnail(file_path);
return "";
var isValidFile = function(file) {
if(file != ".DS_Store" && file != "info.json") {
var parts = file.split('.');
if (parts[parts.length -2] == "thumb") {
return false;
} else {
return true
var SetFileInfo = function(jsonData, dir, file_path, stat) {
if (typeof(jsonData)==='undefined') jsonData = {};
if(jsonData.title != "" && jsonData.title != undefined){
var title = jsonData.title;
} else {
var title = getNameFromPath(file_path);
if(jsonData.thumbnail != "" && jsonData.thumbnail != undefined){
var thumbnail_path = jsonData.thumbnail;
} else {
var thumbnail_path = getThumbnail(file_path);
var file_obj = {
title: title,
path: file_path,
size: prettySize(directorySize(dir)),
type: getFileType(file_path),
author: jsonData.author,
index: jsonData.index,
id: jsonData.id,
created_at: dateFormat(stat["birthdate"], "mediumDate"),
modified_at: dateFormat(stat["mtime"], "mediumDate"),
accessed_at: dateFormat(stat["atime"], "mediumDate"),
thumbnail: thumbnail_path
return file_obj;
var getNotesFromFolders = function(dir) {
if (typeof(dir)==='undefined') dir = notes_dir;
var filesystem = require("fs");
filesystem.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function(file) {
file_path = dir+'/'+file;
var stat = filesystem.statSync(file_path);
if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
notes = notes.concat(getNotesFromFolders(file_path))
} else {
if(file == "info.json"){
filesystem.readFile(file_path, function(err, data) {
var jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
var file_obj = SetFileInfo(jsonData, dir, file_path, stat)
return notes;
this.getNotesFromFolders = getNotesFromFolders;
var getAllFilesFromFolder = function(dir) {
if (typeof(dir)==='undefined') dir = notes_dir;
var filesystem = require("fs");
var results = [];
filesystem.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function(file) {
file_path = dir+'/'+file;
var stat = filesystem.statSync(file_path);
if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
results = results.concat(getAllFilesFromFolder(file_path))
} else {
if(isValidFile(file)) {
var jsonData = {};
var file_obj = SetFileInfo(jsonData, dir, file_path, stat)
return results;
var getFilesFromFolder = function(dir) {
if (typeof(dir)==='undefined') dir = notes_dir;
var filesystem = require("fs");
var results = [];
filesystem.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function(file) {
file_path = dir+'/'+file;
var stat = filesystem.statSync(file_path);
if(isValidFile(file)) {
var jsonData = {};
var file_obj = SetFileInfo(jsonData, dir, file_path, stat)
return results;
var findNoteInFolder = function(note_id, dir) {
if (typeof(dir)==='undefined') dir = notes_dir;
var filesystem = require("fs");
var results = [];
filesystem.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function(file) {
file_path = dir+'/'+file;
var stat = filesystem.statSync(file_path);
if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
results = results.concat(findNoteInFolder(note_id, file_path))
} else {
if(file == "info.json"){
filesystem.readFile(file_path, function(err, data) {
var jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
if(jsonData.id == note_id){
var file_obj = SetFileInfo(jsonData, dir, file_path, stat)
return results[0];
this.saveFile = function(file_path, content){
var fs = require('fs');
fs.writeFile(file_path, content, 'utf8', function(err) {
if(err) {
console.log("-> ERROR SAVING FILE: " + file_path);
} else {
console.log("-> FILE SAVED: " + file_path);
var getNote = function(file_path){
var filesystem = require("fs");
var stat = filesystem.statSync(file_path);
var file_obj = {
title: "",
path: file_path,
size: stat['size'],
type: getFileType(file_path),
author: "",
index: "",
id: "",
created_at: dateFormat(stat["birthdate"], "mediumDate"),
modified_at: dateFormat(stat["mtime"], "mediumDate"),
accessed_at: dateFormat(stat["atime"], "mediumDate")
return file_obj
var getNameFromPath = function(path) {
path = path.split('/');
var filename = path[path.length - 1];
//filename = filename.split('.');
//name = filename[filename.length -1];
return filename
var getUrlParts = function(url) {
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url;
return {
href: a.href,
host: a.host,
hostname: a.hostname,
port: a.port,
pathname: a.pathname,
protocol: a.protocol,
hash: a.hash,
search: a.search
var absoluteToRelativeURL = function(current_url, absolute_url) {
// split urls and create arrays
var current_path = current_url.split('/');
var absolute_path = getUrlParts(absolute_url).pathname.split('/');
var root_path = getUrlParts(notes_dir).pathname.split('/');
// remove the current note's filename from the url and the image filename from the url
// count how many folders the current path has
var current_path_count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < current_path.length; i++) {
current_path_count = current_path_count + 1;
// count how many folders the absolute path has
var absolute_path_count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < absolute_path.length; i++) {
absolute_path_count = absolute_path_count + 1;
var root_path_count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < root_path.length; i++) {
root_path_count = root_path_count + 1;
var count = current_path_count - root_path_count;
console.log(current_path_count + " - " + root_path_count + " = " + count);
//dif = current_path_count - (absolute_path_count -1);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// make the relative path a string again
var relative_path = absolute_path.join('/');
console.log("* Converted relative URL: " + relative_path)
return relative_path;
// Absolute to relative URL
this.absoluteToRelativeURL = function(current_url, absolute_url) {
return absoluteToRelativeURL(current_url, absolute_url);
var shortenPath = function(path) {
// split urls and create arrays
var current_path = path.split('/');
var root_path = getUrlParts(notes_dir).pathname.split('/');
// count how many folders the current path has
var current_path_count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < current_path.length; i++) {
current_path_count = current_path_count + 1;
var root_path_count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < root_path.length; i++) {
root_path_count = root_path_count + 1;
var diff = current_path_count - root_path_count;
var count = current_path_count - diff;
console.log(current_path_count + " - " + root_path_count + " = " + count);
//dif = current_path_count - (absolute_path_count -1);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// make the relative path a string again
var relative_path = current_path.join('/');
console.log("* Shortened Path: " + relative_path)
return relative_path;
// Absolute to relative URL
this.shortenPath = function(path) {
return shortenPath(path);
// Get folders
var getFolders = function(root) {
if (typeof(root)==='undefined') root = notes_dir;
var filesystem = require("fs");
var results = [];
filesystem.readdirSync(root).forEach(function(file) {
file_path = root+'/'+file;
var stat = filesystem.statSync(file_path);
if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
results.push(SetFileInfo( undefined, root, file_path, stat));
return results;
this.getFolders = function(root){
return getFolders(root);
// Sort files
var date_sort_asc = function (date1, date2) {
if (date1.modified_at > date2.modified_at) return 1;
if (date1.modified_at < date2.modified_at) return -1;
return 0;
var date_sort_desc = function (date1, date2) {
if (date1.modified_at > date2.modified_at) return -1;
if (date1.modified_at < date2.modified_at) return 1;
return 0;
var filterNotes = function(files) {
var filtered = [];
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
if(files[i].type == "Markdown") {
return filtered;
this.getAllFiles = function(dir) {
if (typeof(dir)==='undefined') dir = notes_dir;
notes = getAllFilesFromFolder(dir);
return notes.sort(date_sort_asc);
this.getFiles = function(dir) {
if (typeof(dir)==='undefined') dir = notes_dir;
notes = getFilesFromFolder(dir);
return notes.sort(date_sort_asc);
this.getAllNotes = function() {
notes = getAllFilesFromFolder();
notes = filterNotes(notes);
return notes.sort(date_sort_asc);
this.getNote = function(path) {
return getNote(path);
this.getCurrentNote = function() {
return current_note;
this.setCurrentNote = function(note) {
//console.log("searcing for: " + note_id)
current_note = note;
if((note_history.length -1) != note_history_index){
var dif = note_history.length - note_history_index - 1;
for (var i = 0; i < dif; i++) {
note_history_index = note_history.length -1;
//console.log("Current_note: " + current_note.title)
this.goToPreviousNote = function(){
if(note_history_index > 0) {
note_history_index = note_history_index - 1;
current_note = note_history[note_history_index];
this.goToNextNote = function(){
if(note_history_index < (note_history.length - 1)){
note_history_index = note_history_index + 1;
current_note = note_history[note_history_index];
this.getNotesDir = function() {
return notes_dir;
this.getDefaultNotesDir = function() {
return default_notes_dir;
this.getDefaultNote = function() {
return getNote(default_home_note);