Desktop markdown wiki app. Built with node, Electron Framework and AngularJS.

header-ctrl.js 3.7KB

    /** * @ngdoc function * @name domainManagerApp.controller:AboutCtrl * @description * # AboutCtrl * Controller of the domainManagerApp */ angular.module('codexApp.header', []) .controller('HeaderCtrl',['$scope', '$rootScope', '$state', 'FileService', 'SearchService', 'PrefsService', function ($scope, $rootScope, $state, FileService, SearchService, PrefsService) { console.log('-> Header loaded') $scope.noteViewBtnClass = ""; $scope.noteEditBtnClass = ""; // Create New Note $scope.createNewNote = function() { dialog.showSaveDialog({ defaultPath: FileService.getDefaultNotesDir(), filters: [ { name: 'markdown', extensions: ['md'] }] }, function (fileName) { var fs = require('fs'); if (fileName === undefined) return; fs.writeFile(fileName, "", function (err) { console.log("-> CREATE NEW NOTE: " + fileName) var note = FileService.getNote(fileName); FileService.setCurrentNote(note) console.log(note) $scope.activateNoteEdit(); }); }); } // Toogle sidebar $scope.toogleSidebar = function() { $rootScope.$broadcast('sidebar:toogle'); } // Go To Home note $scope.goToHome = function() { $rootScope.$broadcast('window-view:change'); FileService.setCurrentNote(FileService.getDefaultNote()); $rootScope.$broadcast('note-view:reload'); $state.go("note-view"); } // Go to the precious note $scope.goBack = function() { FileService.goToPreviousNote(); } // Go to the next note $scope.goForward = function() { FileService.goToNextNote(); } // Note View active button $scope.activateNoteView = function() { $rootScope.$broadcast('window-view:change'); $state.go("note-view"); $scope.noteViewBtnClass = "active"; $scope.noteEditBtnClass = ""; } $scope.activateNoteEdit = function() { $rootScope.$broadcast('window-view:change'); $state.go("note-edit"); $scope.noteViewBtnClass = ""; $scope.noteEditBtnClass = "active"; } $rootScope.$on('main-window:note-list', function() { if(!$scope.$$phase) { $scope.$apply(function(){ $scope.noteViewBtnClass = ""; $scope.noteEditBtnClass = ""; }); } else { $scope.noteViewBtnClass = ""; $scope.noteEditBtnClass = ""; } }); $rootScope.$on('main-window:note-view', function() { if(!$scope.$$phase) { $scope.$apply(function(){ $scope.noteViewBtnClass = "active"; $scope.noteEditBtnClass = ""; }); } else { $scope.noteViewBtnClass = "active"; $scope.noteEditBtnClass = ""; } }); $rootScope.$on('main-window:note-edit', function() { if(!$scope.$$phase) { $scope.$apply(function(){ $scope.noteViewBtnClass = ""; $scope.noteEditBtnClass = "active"; }); } else { $scope.noteViewBtnClass = ""; $scope.noteEditBtnClass = "active"; } }); // Search Functions SearchService.init(); $scope.fileSearch = function(){ console.log("> SEARCHING: " + $scope.search_text); var results =$scope.search_text); FileService.setSearchedFiles(results); var current_note = { path : "search", type : "Folder", title: $scope.search_text, search_results: results } FileService.setCurrentNote(current_note) PrefsService.setCurrentView("Searched Files"); //$scope.activateSidebarBtn(0); $rootScope.$broadcast('main-window:note-list'); $rootScope.$broadcast('window-view:change'); $state.go("index"); } }]);