Scripts for automating tasks on the mac command line. 2.5KB

    clear printf "\n\033[104mInstall Script\033[49m\n" printf "by James Peret -\n\n" # Load installer script dependencies DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) source $DIR/ function install_command_line_tools { echo "- Intalling command line tools" xcode-select --install } function install_mac_osx_updates { echo "- Installing Mac OSX Updates" sw_vers |grep ProductVersion sudo softwareupdate -i -a sw_vers |grep ProductVersion } function install_homebrew { echo "- Installing homebrew" ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" brew update } function install_git { echo "- Installing git" #sudo port install git-core +svn +doc +bash_completion +gitweb brew install git } function install_cask { echo "- Installing brew cask" brew tap phinze/cask brew install brew-cask } function install_rvm { echo "- Installing RVM - Ruby Version Manager" \curl -L | bash -s stable } function install_nvm { echo "Installing NVM - Node Version Manager" #curl -o- | bash brew install nvm source $(brew --prefix nvm)/ } function install_node { echo "- Installing node.js 0.10" # brew cask install --caskroom="/opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom" node nvm install 0.10 nvm use 0.10 } function install_zShell { echo "- Installing zShell with dotfiles" cd git clone cd dotfiles sh } function install_youtube_dl { echo "- Installing youtube-dl" sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl } function install_ImageMagik { echo "- Installing ImageMagik" brew install pkgconfig brew install imagemagick } function install_tmux { echo "- Installing tmux" brew install tmux } function install_teamocil { echo "- Installing teamocil" gem install teamocil #mkdir $HOME/.teamocil #cp teamocil/avalanche.yml $HOME/.teamocil/avalanche.yml } function install_redis { echo "- Installing Redis" brew install redis } function install_pgcli { echo "- Installing PostGres CLI" brew install pgcli } # Run Functions tput civis -- invisible install_command_line_tools install_mac_osx_updates install_git install_homebrew install_cask install_rvm install_nvm install_node install_youtube_dl install_ImageMagik install_tmux install_teamocil install_redis install_pgcli tput cnorm