Scripts for automating tasks on the mac command line. 4.1KB

    #!/bin/bash # Functions ============================================== DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) LOG=$DIR/log.txt function app_is_installed { local file1="/Applications/$1/" local file2="/opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/$2/latest/$1/" if [ -d "$file1" ] || [ -d "$file2" ] then local return_=1 else local return_=0 fi echo "$return_" } # return 1 if global command line program installed, else 0 # example # echo "node: $(program_is_installed node)" function program_is_installed { # set to 1 initially local return_=1 # set to 0 if not found type $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || { local return_=0; } # return value echo "$return_" } # return 1 if local npm package is installed at ./node_modules, else 0 # example # echo "gruntacular : $(npm_package_is_installed gruntacular)" function npm_package_is_installed { # set to 1 initially local return_=1 # set to 0 if not found ls /usr/local/bin | grep $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || { local return_=0; } # return value echo "$return_" } # display a message in red with a cross by it # example # echo echo_fail "No" function echo_fail { # echo first argument in red printf "\e[31m✘ ${1}" # reset colours back to normal echo "\033[0m" } # display a message in green with a tick by it # example # echo echo_fail "Yes" function echo_pass { # echo first argument in green printf "\e[32m✔ ${1}" # reset colours back to normal echo "\033[0m" } # echo pass or fail # example # echo echo_if 1 "Passed" # echo echo_if 0 "Failed" function echo_if { if [ $1 == 1 ]; then echo_pass $2 else echo_fail $2 fi } function install_app { tput sc tput rc tput ed app_name_tabs "$1" echo "$1$tabs$(echo_if $(app_is_installed "$2")) " if [ $(app_is_installed "$1") == 0 ] && [ $(app_is_installed "$2") == 0 ]; then sleep 0.1 tput cuu 1 tput ed sleep 0.2 if [[ "$2" == *".app" ]] || [[ "$2" == *".pkg" ]]; then echo "$1$tabs$(echo_if $(app_is_installed "$1")) Cannot Install" sleep 0.1 tput ed else echo "$1$tabs$(echo_if $(app_is_installed "$1")) Installing... " echo "Installing $1" >> "$LOG" brew cask install "$2" >> "$LOG" echo "\n" >> "$LOG" tput cuu 1 tput ed if [ $(app_is_installed "$1") == 0 ] && [ $(app_is_installed "$2") == 0 ]; then echo "$1$tabs$(echo_if $(app_is_installed "$1")) Error " else echo "$1$tabs$(echo_if $(app_is_installed "$2")) Installed " fi sleep 0.1 tput ed fi fi } function install_program { tput sc tput rc tput ed app_name_tabs "$1" echo "$1$tabs$(echo_if $(program_is_installed "$1")) " if [ $(program_is_installed "$1") == 0 ]; then sleep 0.1 tput cuu 1 tput ed echo "$1$tabs$(echo_if $(program_is_installed "$1")) Installing... " sleep 0.2 tput cuu 1 tput ed echo "$1$tabs$(echo_if $(program_is_installed "$1")) " sleep 0.1 tput ed fi } function install_npm_package { tput sc tput rc tput ed app_name_tabs "$1" echo "$1$tabs$(echo_if $(npm_package_is_installed "$1")) " if [ $(npm_package_is_installed "$1") == 0 ]; then sleep 0.1 tput cuu 1 tput ed echo "$1$tabs$(echo_if $(npm_package_is_installed "$1")) Installing... " sleep 0.2 tput cuu 1 tput ed echo "$1$tabs$(echo_if $(npm_package_is_installed "$1")) " sleep 0.1 tput ed fi } function app_name_tabs { name="$1" size="${#name}" if (( $size < 8 )) ; then tabs="\t\t\t\t" fi if (( $size >= 8 )) && (( $size < 16 )) ; then tabs="\t\t\t" fi if (( $size >= 16 )) && (( $size < 24 )) ; then tabs="\t\t" fi if (( $size >= 24 )) && (( $size < 32 )) ; then tabs="\t" fi } function test { echo "\nALL DONE\n\n" { echo "Does it work?" } &> log.txt if hash redis-server 2>/dev/null; then echo " - Redis already installed" else brew install redis echo " - Redis installed" fi } # ============================================== Functions