# Polyphonic Controller ![UI](cover.png) ## Description Polyphonic Controller is web page that controls sound playback in other web pages. This project can be used to trigger multiple sound effects using one computer as a controller and other computers or phones as output devices to create sound installations. This project was used to create the presentation *"Inferno Polyfonico"* by *Riverão*. ## Getting Started To get started, download the code and install **node.js**. Then change the ``roteiro.json`` file with your own audio url's and text. You can put your audio files in the ``public/audio`` folder. To star the server, use the command: ```bash PORT=3000 node server.js ``` ## Credits Code created by *[James Peret](http://jamesperet.com)* and *Gregorio Gananian*. Audio files and text by *Riverão*