"use strict" angular.module('goApp.slider', []) .directive('wallopSlider', function () { return { template: '
', restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, replace: false, scope: { images: '=', animation: '@', currentItemIndex: '=', onNext: '&', onPrevious: '&' }, controller: function($scope, $timeout) { $scope.itemClasses = []; $scope.$watch('images', function(images) { if (images.length) { _goTo(0); } }); $scope.$watch('itemClasses', function(itemClasses) { console.log('itemClasses', itemClasses); }); // set animation class corresponding to animation defined in CSS. e.g. rotate, slide if ($scope.animation) { $scope.animationClass = 'wallop-slider--' + $scope.animation; } var _displayOptions = { btnPreviousClass: 'wallop-slider__btn--previous', btnNextClass: 'wallop-slider__btn--next', itemClass: 'wallop-slider__item', currentItemClass: 'wallop-slider__item--current', showPreviousClass: 'wallop-slider__item--show-previous', showNextClass: 'wallop-slider__item--show-next', hidePreviousClass: 'wallop-slider__item--hide-previous', hideNextClass: 'wallop-slider__item--hide-next' }; function updateClasses() { if ($scope.itemClasses.length !== $scope.images.length) { $scope.itemClasses = []; for (var i=0; i<$scope.images.length; i++) { $scope.itemClasses.push(''); } } } function _nextDisabled() { console.log('$scope.currentItemIndex', $scope.currentItemIndex, $scope.images.length); return ($scope.currentItemIndex + 1) === $scope.images.length; } function _prevDisabled() { return !$scope.currentItemIndex; } function _updatePagination() { $scope.nextDisabled = _nextDisabled(); $scope.prevDisabled = _prevDisabled(); } function _clearClasses() { for (var i=0; i<$scope.images.length; i++) { $scope.itemClasses[i] = ''; } } // go to slide function _goTo(index) { console.log('_goTo', index); if (index >= $scope.images.length || index < 0 || index === $scope.currentItemIndex) { if (!index) { $scope.itemClasses[0] = _displayOptions.currentItemClass; } return; } _clearClasses(); $scope.itemClasses[$scope.currentItemIndex] = (index > $scope.currentItemIndex) ? _displayOptions.hidePreviousClass : _displayOptions.hideNextClass; var currentClass = (index > $scope.currentItemIndex) ? _displayOptions.showNextClass : _displayOptions.showPreviousClass; $scope.itemClasses[index] = _displayOptions.currentItemClass + ' ' + currentClass; $scope.currentItemIndex = index; _updatePagination(); } // button event handlers // consider using the ng-tap directive to remove delay $scope.onPrevButtonClicked = function () { _goTo($scope.currentItemIndex - 1); }; $scope.onNextButtonClicked = function () { _goTo($scope.currentItemIndex + 1); }; $scope.$watch('currentItemIndex', function(newVal, oldVal) { if (oldVal > newVal) { if (typeof $scope.onPrevious === 'function') { $scope.onPrevious(); } } else { if (typeof $scope.onNext === 'function') { $scope.onNext(); } } }); } }; });