James Peret's personal portfolio website version 2. Built with Famous.js and AngularJS.

index.html 1.5KB

    <html ng-app="myAppName"> <head> <!-- bower:js --> <script src="../bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script> <script src="../bower_components/famous-angular/dist/famous-angular.js"></script> <script src="../bower_components/famous/dist/famous-global.js"></script> <!-- endbower --> <script> angular.module('myAppName', ['famous.angular']) .controller('Lesson1Ctrl', function($scope, $famous, $timeline) { $scope.data = {message: "Hello"}; var Transitionable = $famous['famous/transitions/Transitionable']; var Easing = $famous['famous/transitions/Easing']; $scope.t = new Transitionable(0); $scope.translation = $timeline([ [0, [100, 100, 0], Easing.inOutQuad], [0.25, [400, 200, 0], Easing.inOutQuad], [0.5, [300, 300, 0], Easing.inOutQuad], [0.75, [200, 500, 0], Easing.inOutQuad], [1, [100, 100, 0], Easing.inOutQuad], ]); $scope.t.delay((1000), function(){ // we will delay each animation based on index $scope.t.set(1, {duration: 3400}, function(){ }); // we will set each Transitionable to 1 == which is the index of the $timeline to transition to }); }); </script> </head> <body > <fa-app ng-controller='Lesson1Ctrl' id="app"> <ui-view> <fa-modifier fa-size="[100, 100]" fa-translate="translation(t.get())" > <fa-surface fa-background-color="'#FA5C4F'" fa-color="'red'"> {{data.message}} </fa-surface> </fa-modifier> </fa-app> </body> </html>