# Mickey Mickey is a minimal one-column, responsive theme for [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com). It's inspired by [Hyde](http://hyde.getpoole.com), [Medium](http://medium.com), and [Squarespace](http://squarespace.com). ![Mickey screenshots](/assets/images/demo.png) See Mickey in action with [the demo site](http://vincentchan.github.io/mickey) or [my personal blog](http://aneverendingdream.com). ## Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Options](#options) - [Post front matter](#post-front-matter) - [Identity](#identity) - [Typography](#typography) - [Images](#images) - [Development](#development) - [Author](#author) - [License](#license) ## Installation Mickey requires [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com/) 2.x. and [Gulp](http://gulpjs.com/) for workflow automation. Make sure to run `gem update jekyll` if you aren’t on the latest version or `gem install jekyll` if this is your first time installing it. If you want to use Mickey, please follow these steps: 1. Fork the [Mickey](https://github.com/vincentchan/mickey) repo. 2. Clone the repo you just forked and rename it. 3. Run `npm install` to install the dependencies for the theme contained in `package.json` 4. Update `_config.yml` with your own info and replace demo posts and pages with your own. Full details below. ## Options Mickey includes some customizable options: ### Post front matter By default, we use the following: ``` --- layout: post title: "your post title" date: 2015-02-11T13:04:19+05:45 # XML Schema Date/Time last_modified_at: 2015-03-15T05:20:00+05:45 # last page modified date/time excerpt: "for meta description" # Optional for overwriting content excerpt categories: your post categories # ["category1"] - best is to have one category in a post tags: your post tags # ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"] - you can have several post tags image: feature: your post featured image file name # image.jpg, suggested size: 2000x700px topPosition: 0px # top position for featured image if needed bgContrast: dark # Featured image contrast bgGradientOpacity: darker # darker or lighter - control featured image opacity --- ``` ### Identity To replace logos with your own, simply update the following files in `assets/images/`: - `logo-white.svg` - `logo-black.svg` - `logo-text-white.svg` - `logo-text-black.svg` ### Typography Vertical rhythm and spacing are mostly handled by [typebase.css](http://devinhunt.github.io/typebase.css/). If you want to change any settings related to typography (e.g. fonts, type scale...etc), please do it in `_scss/_typography.scss` #### Blockquote We have two types of blockquote design: ```html // For large featured quote
// For normal quote // Use 'u--startsWithDoubleQuote' class only when the quote starts with a double quote
``` #### Hanging quotes If a paragraph starts with a quotation market, please add the following to support [hanging quotes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanging_punctuation): ```html


``` ### Images To maintain vertical rhythm and spacing, I suggest using the following CSS class (e.g. `img--5xLeading`...`img--16xLeading`) to control the image height: ```html
``` You can reference `_scss/_images.scss` for details. ## Development Mickey has two branches, but only one is used for active development. - `master` for development. **All pull requests should be submitted against `master`.** - `gh-pages` for our hosted landing page. **Please avoid using this branch.** During development, simply run `gulp` in terminal and it will compile the jekyll site, compile Sass, create post thumbnails, launch BrowserSync & watch files for changes and recompile. Source Sass files are located in `_scss/`, included into `main.scss`, and compile to `assets/css/main.css`. Post thumbnails are automatically resized via Gulp's image resize package, and moved to `assets/images/thumbnails`. Any featured images you put in `assets/images/hero` will be automatically created ## Author **Vincent Chan** - - ## License Open sourced under the [MIT license](LICENSE.md). **Disclaimer: This Jekyll theme is not affiliated with Disney. Obviously :)**