--- layout: post title: "Jasper Install" date: 2016-03-24 21:14:01 categories: article diary published: false image: feature: artpimp-radio.jpg topPosition: 0px bgContrast: dark bgGradientOpacity: darker syntaxHighlighter: yes --- This tutorial will cover how to install the Jasper speech project in a Raspberry Pi 3 using the Raspbian Jesse OS. ## Configuring Audio Follow this [tutorial](http://cagewebdev.com/index.php/raspberry-pi-getting-audio-working/) to get audio working on the raspberry pi using a external microfone or sound card. To keep your configurations aftwards, follow this [tutorial](http://www.linuxcircle.com/2013/05/08/raspberry-pi-microphone-setup-with-usb-sound-card/.) ## python pip problems If you have problems with pip, try uninstalling it and then using *easy_install* to reinstall pip: ```bash apt-get remove python-pip easy_install pip ``` ## Links - [Making Jasper use the AT&T Speech API](http://changingjasper.blogspot.de/2014/06/making-jasper-use-at-speech-api.html) - [Better system for sharing modules](https://github.com/jasperproject/jasper-client/issues/163) - Interesting conversation about a module sharing system - [Jasper Module Hub](http://jaspermoduleshub.herokuapp.com/) - Experimental website with some jasper modules - [Parsing English in 500 lines of Python](https://spacy.io/blog/parsing-english-in-python) - [Give "Jasper" a different name](https://github.com/jasperproject/jasper-client/issues/8) - [Building application with pocketsphinx](http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/wiki/tutorialpocketsphinx)