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2015-06-07-whois-json-api.markdown 1.4KB

layout: post title: "Whois JSON API" date: 2015-05-07 20:34:46

categories: jekyll update

Today I want to introduce a new little service that i created: a Whois JSON API.

My motivation behind this project was the lack of another good whois lookup service that responded with a JSON file and could return decent querys from TDLs like .com.br or .network.

Something cool that i had found was the Whoiz project from Jason Ormand. It uses a gem called Ruby Whois to query the various diferent servers for each TDL. I used this as my starting point. Then I took the raw responses from some of the diferent TDLs server and made a little regex to get the information that I needed from each one.

I only did this for some domains: .com.br, .network, .net and .com. Maybe I'll make more in the future. The queries for .com.br domains usually come with limited information because of the registrar's API call allowance and there is a bug where some .com domains return an error sometimes (ex: google.com).

The Whois JSON API is free for use. You can test it at whois.j1x.co and read the API documentation. If you need support, find bugs or want to send me feedback, please leave me a message.