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digital-ocean-server-setup.md 3.5KB

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title: "Digital Ocean Server Setup"

Droplet Setup

This server is going to have a bit of load so I will use the $10 droplet with 1GB Ram and 30GB SSD Disk. Use the Ubuntu 14.04 x64 image. I choose Ubuntu because there is a lot of documentation for it, but probably Debian or CentOS would be a better choise as a linux distro for a web server.

Create a new super user

Its a good practice to create a new super user account that uses commands with sudo instead of using the root account where all commands are executed with sudo by default.

adduser demo

Type in your password and answer some stupid questions. Then give this demo user some sudo powers:

gpasswd -a demo sudo

Now with the super user created switch from root to the new user:

su - demo

Create a new folder for SSH keys and modify its permissions:

mkdir .ssh
chmod 700 .ssh

Now create a new file for your SSH key and paste your public key inside of it:

nano .ssh/authorized_keys

Press Ctrl + X to exit nano, then Y to save and then hit Enter.

Now restrict the permissions of the file with your key:

chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys

After everything is done, go back to being the root user:


Now test login in as your new user in a new shell session:

ssh demo@server_ip

If everything works, you won't need to type in your password, the server will log you in automatically using the SSH key.

Remove root login

For security reasons, its a good ideia disable the root account login thru SSH and only log in with user accounts.

To remove the root login, first make sure you can log in with a different super user account. Then log in as root and run:

nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Next, change PermitRootLogin to no.

Press Ctrl + X to exit nano, then Y to save and then hit Enter.

Now restart the SSH service:

service ssh restart

And thats it! Now when you log out of the root account, you wont be able to log in again!

If you ever have to log in as the root user again, just change this settings back as your new super user using sudo before the commands.

Change SWAP memory settings

For droplets with a low amount of RAM memory, its possible to increase the SWAP memory.

$ sudo fallocate -l 1024M /mnt/swap.img
$ sudo mkswap /mnt/swap.img
$ sudo swapon /mnt/swap.img
$ sudo vim /etc/fstab

Usefull commands

  • sudo poweroff - turn off the droplet. It can be turned back on in the droplet control pannel.
  • sudo reboot - restarts the server.
  • landscape-sysinfo - simple system information. Use can use the flag --exclude-sysinfo-plugins=Temperature,LandscapeLink,Processes.
  • find /usr/share/figlet -name *.?lf -exec basename {} \; | sed -e "s/\..lf$//" | xargs -I{} toilet -f {} {} - Show demo of toilet fonts
