Then(/^I should see in the field "(.*?)" the text "(.*?)"$/) do |arg1, arg2| value = find_field(arg1).value value.should have_content(arg2) end Given(/^the website is configured$/) do configs = Info.all configs.each do |config| config.destroy end FactoryGirl.create(:info) end Given(/^Maintenance mode is activated$/) do Info.last.update(maintenance_mode: true, maintenance_title: 'Website under maintenance', maintenance_message: 'Please check back soon') end Given /^the following (.+) list ?$/ do |factory, table| table.hashes.each do |hash| FactoryGirl.create(factory, hash) end end Then(/^spit out the page HTML$/) do puts page.html end Then /^show me the page$/ do save_and_open_page end When /^I go to (.+)$/ do |page_name| path_to(page_name) end Given /^I visit the "(.*)"/ do |place| visit "/#{place}" end When /^I visit the homepage$/ do visit "" end # File Upload Then(/^I upload the file "(.*?)" to the field "(.*?)"$/) do |arg1, arg2| @test_file_path = File.expand_path(('../../spec/fixtures/' + arg1), File.dirname(__FILE__)) attach_file arg2, @test_file_path end # Check for image Then(/^I should see the image "(.*?)"$/) do |image_name| page.should have_selector("img[src$='#{image_name}']") end # Upload Images Given(/^the following files where uploaded$/) do |table| table.hashes.each do |hash| visit '/admin/files/new' fill_in "Title", :with => hash[:title] fill_in "Description", :with => hash[:description] @test_file_path = File.expand_path(('../../spec/fixtures/' + hash[:file]), File.dirname(__FILE__)) attach_file "upload_file", @test_file_path click_button "Save" end end