@file_upload Feature: File Upload In order to upload files As an content creator I want to upload and manage files Background: Given the website is configured Scenario: Upload file Given I am logged in as admin And I go to the files page When I click in the link "Upload File" And I fill in "Title" with "Cat meme" And I fill in "Description" with "Cats with lasers" And I upload the file "cats_with_lasers.jpg" to the field "upload_file" And I click in the button "Save" Then I should see "Upload was successfully created" And I should see the image "cats_with_lasers.jpg" Scenario: List files Given I am logged in as admin And the following files where uploaded | title | description | file | | Aliens | History Chanel guy | aliens_meme.jpg | | Cats | Cats with lasers | cats_with_lasers.jpg | When I go to the files page Then I should see "Aliens" And I should see the image "aliens_meme.jpg" And I should see "Cats" And I should see the image "cats_with_lasers.jpg" Scenario: Edit file Given I am logged in as admin And the following files where uploaded | title | description | file | | Aliens | History Chanel guy | aliens_meme.jpg | | Cats | Cats with lasers | cats_with_lasers.jpg | When I go to the files page And I click in the link "Aliens" And I click in the link "Edit" And I fill in "Title" with "Crazy Dude" And I fill in "Description" with "I see aliens" And I click in the button "Save" Then I should see the image "aliens_meme.jpg" And I should see "Crazy Dude" And I should see "I see aliens" Scenario: Delete file Given I am logged in as admin And the following files where uploaded | title | description | file | | Aliens | History Chanel guy | aliens_meme.jpg | | Cats | Cats with lasers | cats_with_lasers.jpg | When I go to the files page And I click in the link "Aliens" And I click in the link "Delete" Then I should see "Cats" And I should see the image "cats_with_lasers.jpg" And I should not see "Aliens"