# This is adapted from this gist: https://gist.github.com/532100 by Square # The main difference is that it doesn't require Bluth for WorkerBase # It also calls prune_dead_workers on start so it doesn't hang on every other run # It does not do anything special to avoid connecting to your main redis instance; you should be # doing that elsewhere class CucumberExternalResqueWorker DEFAULT_STARTUP_TIMEOUT = 1.minute COUNTER_KEY = "cucumber:counter" class << self attr_accessor :pid, :startup_timeout def start # Call from a Cucumber support file so it is run on startup return unless Rails.env.test? if self.pid = fork start_parent wait_for_worker_to_start else start_child end end def install_hooks_on_startup # Call from a Rails initializer return unless Rails.env.test? # Because otherwise crashed workers cause a fork and we pause the actual worker forever Resque::Worker.all.each { |worker| worker.prune_dead_workers } install_pause_on_start_hook install_worker_base_counter_patch end def process_all # Call from a Cucumber step unpause sleep 1 until done? pause end def incr Resque.redis.incr(COUNTER_KEY) end def decr Resque.redis.decr(COUNTER_KEY) end def reset_counter Resque.redis.set(COUNTER_KEY, 0) end private def done? Resque.redis.get(CucumberExternalResqueWorker::COUNTER_KEY).to_i.zero? end def pause(pid = self.pid) return unless Rails.env.test? Process.kill("USR2", pid) end def unpause return unless Rails.env.test? Process.kill("CONT", pid) end def start_parent at_exit do #reset_counter Process.kill("KILL", pid) if pid end end def start_child # Array form of exec() is required here, otherwise the worker is not a direct child process of cucumber. # If it's not the direct child process then the PID returned from fork() is wrong, which means we can't # communicate with the worker. exec('rake', 'resque:work', "QUEUE=*", "RAILS_ENV=test", "VVERBOSE=1") end def wait_for_worker_to_start self.startup_timeout ||= DEFAULT_STARTUP_TIMEOUT start = Time.now.to_i while (Time.now.to_i - start) < startup_timeout return if worker_started? sleep 1 end raise "Timeout while waiting for the worker to start. Waited #{startup_timeout} seconds." end def worker_started? Resque.info[:workers].to_i > 0 end def install_pause_on_start_hook Resque.before_first_fork do #reset_counter pause(Process.pid) end end def install_worker_base_counter_patch Resque.class_eval do class << self def enqueue_with_counters(*args, &block) CucumberExternalResqueWorker.incr enqueue_without_counters(*args, &block) end alias_method_chain :enqueue, :counters end end Resque::Job.class_eval do def perform_with_counters(*args, &block) perform_without_counters(*args, &block) ensure CucumberExternalResqueWorker.decr end alias_method_chain :perform, :counters end end end end