@user_account Feature: User Account In order to change content in the website As user of the system I want to create, update adn delete my user account Background: Given the website is configured Scenario: Registered user login Given the user "Monty" "Cantsin" with email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "12345678" exists And I am not logged in When I go to the login page Then I should see "Sign In" And I log in with the email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "12345678" Then I should see "Signed in successfully" And I should see "Monty Cantsin" And I should see "Logout" Scenario: Registered user logout Given the user "Monty" "Cantsin" with email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "12345678" exists And I am not logged in When I go to the login page And I log in with the email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "12345678" Then I click in the link "Logout" And I should see "Signed out successfully" Scenario: User registration Given I am not logged in And I go to the signup page When I fill in "First Name" with "Monty" And I fill in "Last Name" with "Cantsin" And I fill in "Email" with "monty_cantsin@canada.com" And I fill in "Password" with "12345678" And I fill in "Password Confirmation" with "12345678" And I submit the login form Then I should see "Welcome! You have signed up successfully" And I should see "Monty Cantsin" And I should see "Logout" And "monty_cantsin@canada.com" should receive an email with subject "Welcome to Rails Website Template" Scenario: User forgets password Given the user "Monty" "Cantsin" with email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "12345678" exists And I am not logged in And I go to the login page When I click in the link "Forgot your password?" And I fill in "Email" with "monty_cantsin@canada.com" And I submit the password reset form Then I should see "You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password in a few minutes" And "monty_cantsin@canada.com" should receive an email with subject "Reset password instructions" When I open the email with subject "Reset password instructions" Then I should see "Someone has requested a link to change your password" in the email body Then I clicks in the link "Change my password" in the email And I fill in "New Password" with "87654321" And I fill in "Confirm New Password" with "87654321" And I submit the new password form Then I should see "Your password was changed successfully. You are now signed in." And I should see "Monty Cantsin" And I should see "Logout" Scenario: Change user name and email Given the user "Monty" "Cantsin" with email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "12345678" exists And I go to the login page And I log in with the email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "12345678" And I go to the homepage When I click in the link "Account" Then I should see "Edit Profile" And I fill in "First Name" with "Donald" And I fill in "Last Name" with "Duck" And I fill in "Email" with "donald_duck@looneytunes.com" And I fill in "Current Password" with "12345678" And I click in the button "Update" Then I should see "You updated your account successfully" Then I should see "Donald Duck" Scenario: Change user password Given the user "Monty" "Cantsin" with email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "12345678" exists And I go to the login page And I log in with the email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "12345678" And I go to the homepage When I click in the link "Account" And I fill in "Password" with "87654321" And I fill in "Password Confirmation" with "87654321" And I fill in "Current Password" with "12345678" And I click in the button "Update" Then I should see "You updated your account successfully" And I click in the link "Logout" And I go to the login page And I log in with the email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "87654321" Then I should see "Signed in successfully" Scenario: Change User Avatar Given the user "Monty" "Cantsin" with email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "12345678" exists And I go to the login page And I log in with the email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "12345678" And I click in the link "Account" When I upload the file "avatar.jpg" to the field "user_avatar" And I click in the button "Update" And I click in the link "Account" Then I should see the image "avatar.jpg" Scenario: Delete user account Given the user "Monty" "Cantsin" with email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "12345678" exists And I go to the login page And I log in with the email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "12345678" And I click in the link "Account" When I click in the link "Delete Account" Then I should see "Bye! Your account was successfully cancelled. We hope to see you again soon."