@focus Feature: User Account In order to change content in the website As user of the system I want to create, update adn delete my user account Background: Given the website is configured Scenario: Registered user login Given the user "Monty" "Cantsin" with email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "12345678" exists And I am not logged in When I go to the login page Then I should see "Sign In" And I log in with the email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "12345678" Then I should see "Signed in successfully" And I should see "Monty Cantsin" And I should see "Logout" Scenario: Registered user logout Given the user "Monty" "Cantsin" with email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "12345678" exists And I am not logged in When I go to the login page And I log in with the email "monty_cantsin@canada.com" and password "12345678" Then I click in the link "Logout" And I should see "Signed out successfully"