@maintenance_mode Feature: Maintenance Mode In order to change things in the website As an admin I want to close the website for visitors Background: Given the website is configured Scenario: Enable maintenance mode Given I am logged in as admin When I go to the configurations page And the page should have a "input" called "info_maintenance_mode" Then I check the checkbox called "info_maintenance_mode" And I fill in "info_maintenance_title" with "Website under maintenance" And I fill in "info_maintenance_message" with "Please check back soon" And I click in the button "Update Config" Then I should see "Configurations saved successfully" And I go to the homepage And I should not see "Website under maintenance" Then I click in the link "Logout" And I go to the homepage And I should see "Website under maintenance" And I should see "Please check back soon" Scenario: Visitor tries to access page during maintenance mode Given I am not logged in And Maintenance mode is activated When I go to the blog page Then I should see "Website under maintenance" Scenario: User login during maintenance mode Given I am not logged in And Maintenance mode is activated When I log in as user Then I should not see "Website under maintenance" Scenario: Disable maintenance mode Given I am not logged in And Maintenance mode is activated When I log in as admin And I go to the configurations page And I uncheck the checkbox called "info_maintenance_mode" And I click in the button "Update Config" And I click in the link "Logout" And I go to the homepage Then I should not see "Website under maintenance"