Feature: Admin Panel
In order to administer a website
As the owner/admin of the system
I want to config the website thru an admin panel
Given the website is configured
And the following list of blog posts
| title | content | published | description | slug |
| Hello World | Welcome to the website | true | First Post | hello_world |
| Test 001 | 1 2 3 testing | true | Testing the website | test_001 |
Scenario: Admin navigates to Dashboard
Given I am logged in as admin
When I click in the link "Admin Panel"
Then I should see "Dashboard"
And I should see "2 Posts"
And I should see "2 Users"
And I should see "0 Files"
And I should see "0/0 Messages"
Scenario: Registered user trying to access the Admin Panel
Given I am logged in as user
When I go to the admin dashboard
Then I should see "You dont have permission to access that page!"
Scenario: Unregistered user trying to access the Admin Panel
Given I am not logged in
When I go to the admin dashboard
Then I should see "You dont have permission to access that page!"
Scenario: Admin navigates to configurations page
Given I am logged in as admin
When I click in the link "Admin Panel"
And I click in the link "Configurations"
Then I should see in the field "Tagline" the text "A Ruby on Rails app template"
Scenario: Registered user trying to access the configurations page
Given I am logged in as user
When I go to the configurations page
Then I should see "You dont have permission to access that page!"
Scenario: Unregistered user trying to access the configurations page
Given I am not logged in
When I go to the configurations page
Then I should see "You dont have permission to access that page!"
Scenario: Change the website name and Tagline
Given I am logged in as admin
And I should see "Rails Website Template"
When I go to the configurations page
Then I fill in "info_website_name" with "Testing Website Name"
And I fill in "info_tagline" with "Just another cucumber test"
And I click in the button "Update Config"
Then I should see "Testing Website Name"
And I should see in the field "info_website_name" the text "Testing Website Name"
And I should see in the field "Tagline" the text "Just another cucumber test"