A website template with lots of features, built with ruby on rails.

blog.feature 2.5KB

    Feature: Manage Articles In order to make a blog As an author I want to create and manage blog psots Background: Given the following blog_post list | title | content | published | description | slug | | Hello World | Welcome to the website | true | First Post | hello_world | | Test 001 | 1 2 3 testing | true | Testing the website | test_001 | @focus Scenario: Blog posts list When I go to the blog page Then I should see "Hello World" And I should see "First Post" And I should see "Test 001" And I should see "Testing the website" Scenario: Blog post page When I go to the blog page And I click in the link "Hello World" Then I should see "Hello World" And I should see "Welcome to the website" And The current url should be "/blog/hello_world" Scenario: New blog post Given I am logged in as admin Then I click in the link "Admin Panel" And I click in the link "Posts" And The current url should be "/admin/posts" Then I click in the link "New Post" And The current url should be "/admin/posts/new" Then I fill in "Title" with "Test 002" And I fill in "Slug" with "test_002" And I fill in "Description" with "Another blog post test" And I fill in "post_content" with "This is blog post test number 002!" And I click in the button "Save" Then I should see "Test 002" And I should see "This is blog post test number 002!" And I should see "Admin" Scenario: Delete blog post Given I am logged in as admin Then I click in the link "Admin Panel" Then I click in the link "Posts" And The current url should be "/admin/posts" Then I should see "Hello World" And I should see "Test 001" Then I click in the link "delete_hello_world" Then I should see "Test 001" And I should not see "Hello World" Scenario: Only admin users can see edit blog post button Given I go to the blog page And I click in the link "Hello World" Then I should not see the link "edit_hello_world" Then I log in as admin And I go to the blog page And I click in the link "Hello World" Then I should see the link "edit_hello_world" Scenario: Only admin users can access the blog posts admin page Given I go to the blog page Then I should not see the link "navlink_admin_panel" Then I go to the admin blog posts page And I should see "You dont have permission to access that page!" Then I log in as admin And I go to the admin blog posts page Then The current url should be "/admin/posts"