A website template with lots of features, built with ruby on rails.

en.yml 7.4KB

    en: date: abbr_day_names: - Sun - Mon - Tue - Wed - Thu - Fri - Sat abbr_month_names: - - Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec day_names: - Sunday - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday formats: default: ! '%Y-%m-%d' long: ! '%B %d, %Y' short: ! '%b %d' month_names: - - January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December order: - :year - :month - :day datetime: distance_in_words: about_x_hours: one: about 1 hour other: about %{count} hours about_x_months: one: about 1 month other: about %{count} months about_x_years: one: about 1 year other: about %{count} years almost_x_years: one: almost 1 year other: almost %{count} years half_a_minute: half a minute less_than_x_minutes: one: less than a minute other: less than %{count} minutes less_than_x_seconds: one: less than 1 second other: less than %{count} seconds over_x_years: one: over 1 year other: over %{count} years x_days: one: 1 day other: ! '%{count} days' x_minutes: one: 1 minute other: ! '%{count} minutes' x_months: one: 1 month other: ! '%{count} months' x_seconds: one: 1 second other: ! '%{count} seconds' prompts: day: Day hour: Hour minute: Minute month: Month second: Seconds year: Year errors: format: ! '%{attribute} %{message}' messages: accepted: must be accepted blank: can't be blank present: must be blank confirmation: ! "doesn't match %{attribute}" empty: can't be empty equal_to: must be equal to %{count} even: must be even exclusion: is reserved greater_than: must be greater than %{count} greater_than_or_equal_to: must be greater than or equal to %{count} inclusion: is not included in the list invalid: is invalid less_than: must be less than %{count} less_than_or_equal_to: must be less than or equal to %{count} not_a_number: is not a number not_an_integer: must be an integer odd: must be odd record_invalid: ! 'Validation failed: %{errors}' restrict_dependent_destroy: one: "Cannot delete record because a dependent %{record} exists" many: "Cannot delete record because dependent %{record} exist" taken: has already been taken too_long: one: is too long (maximum is 1 character) other: is too long (maximum is %{count} characters) too_short: one: is too short (minimum is 1 character) other: is too short (minimum is %{count} characters) wrong_length: one: is the wrong length (should be 1 character) other: is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters) other_than: "must be other than %{count}" template: body: ! 'There were problems with the following fields:' header: one: 1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved other: ! '%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved' helpers: select: prompt: Please select submit: create: Create %{model} submit: Save %{model} update: Update %{model} number: currency: format: delimiter: ! ',' format: ! '%u%n' precision: 2 separator: . significant: false strip_insignificant_zeros: false unit: $ format: delimiter: ! ',' precision: 3 separator: . significant: false strip_insignificant_zeros: false human: decimal_units: format: ! '%n %u' units: billion: Billion million: Million quadrillion: Quadrillion thousand: Thousand trillion: Trillion unit: '' format: delimiter: '' precision: 3 significant: true strip_insignificant_zeros: true storage_units: format: ! '%n %u' units: byte: one: Byte other: Bytes gb: GB kb: KB mb: MB tb: TB percentage: format: delimiter: '' format: "%n%" precision: format: delimiter: '' support: array: last_word_connector: ! ', and ' two_words_connector: ! ' and ' words_connector: ! ', ' time: am: am formats: default: ! '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z' long: ! '%B %d, %Y %H:%M' short: ! '%d %b %H:%M' pm: pm admin_panel: dashboard: Dashboard files: Files users: Users posts: posts new_blog_post: New Post upload_file: Upload File welcome: Welcome back logins: Logins last_login: Last Login configurations: Configurations language_hint: Wait a few seconds for changes to take effect website_name: Website Name website_link: Website URL tagline: Tagline default_language: Default Language update_config_btn: Update Config contact_email: Contact Email server_email: Server Email config_update_success: Configurations saved successfully contact_messages: Contact Messages new: New new_messages: New messages: Messages message: Message maintenance_mode: Maintenance Mode maintenance_title: Maintenance Page Title maintenance_message: Maintenance Page Message on_switch: Disable off_switch: Enable make_admin: Grant admin access unmake_admin: Take away admin access make_admin_success: The user was grated admin access. unmake_admin_success: The user lost his admin access. make_admin_error: User permission was not altered. permission_denied: You dont have permission to access that page! contact_messages: Messages nav: admin_panel: Admin Panel account: Account logout: Logout login: Login signup: Sign Up back: Back edit: Editar blog: by: By ago: ago publish: Public unpublish: Private visibility: Visibility new_post: New Post edit_post: Edit Post title: Title slug: Slug select_image: Select Image description: Description content: Content submit: Save back: Back latest_posts: Latest Posts more_posts: More posts contact: contact: Contact contact_messages: Contact Messages greeting1: Send us an email at greeting2: or write us a message title: Message Title message: Message send: Send error: Please correct the following errors by: by delivered: Message sent! not_delivered: There was an error and the message was not sent. registration: sign_in: Sign In sign_up: Sign Up first_name: First Name last_name: Last Name password: Password password_confirmation: Password Confirmation sign_up_submit: Submit sign_in_submit: Submit forgot_password: Forgot your password? remember_me: Remember me reset_password_submit: Reset Password change_your_password: Change your password new_password: New Password confirm_your_new_password: Confirm New Password change_password: Save Password edit_password: Edit password