A website template with lots of features, built with ruby on rails.

readme.md 1.8KB

Rails Website Template

A template for creating rails websites that includes the following:

  • User System (Devise)
  • Twitter Bootstrap + Flatstrap + Font Awesome
  • Basic Blog
  • Admin Panel
  • SummerNote editor
  • Image upload/File System
  • Translation (pt-BR, EN)
  • Contact System
  • Maintaince Mode
  • Email System (PaperClip + Mandrill)


  1. Clone the project: https://github.com/jamesperet/rails_website_template.git
  2. Create postgres databases for development and test enviorments.
  3. Configure the databases in config/database.yml
  4. Run rake db:migrate
  5. Run rake bootstrap:all
  6. Start the server: rails server -p 3000
  7. Login as admin@website.com with the password 12345678

Heroku Deploy

  1. Create a new heroku app: heroku create new-app-name
  2. Run rake assets:precompile
  3. Run figaro heroku:set -e production to copy env variables from config/application.yml and set them in heroku
  4. Add the heroku postgre addon: heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql to create and configure a postgres database in heroku server
  5. Commit changes: git commit -a -m "commit message"
  6. Push to heroku: git push heroku master to deploy the repo


  • Log
  • Tests
  • Background processing (redis)
  • Search System
  • Wiki/Codex
  • Portfolio
  • Store
  • Inventory
  • Module Controller
  • geo location/maps
  • Help
  • new admin email
  • Invite user/admin
  • admin panel tour
  • rewrite readme file
  • Install instructions
  • Heroku Deploy button

Example Websites