A website template with lots of features, built with ruby on rails.

email_subscription.feature 1.9KB

    @focus Feature: Email Subscription In order to send newsletters to customers As an marketing guy I want to a email subscription button Background: Given the website is configured And the following subscription list | first_name | last_name | email | | Jimy | San | jimysan@website.com | | John | Doe | john_doe@website.com | Scenario: Newsletter subscription form Given I am not logged in And I visit the homepage And I should see "Subscribe to our newsletter" And I fill in "subscription_first_name" with "Monty" And I fill in "subscription_last_name" with "Cantsin" And I fill in "subscription_email" with "monty_cantsin@canada.com" And I click in the button "submit_subscription" Then I should see "Thanks for subscribing to our newsletter" And "monty_cantsin@canada.com" should receive an email with subject "Thanks for subscribing" Scenario: Admin panel email subscription list Given I am logged in as admin And I go to the admin dashboard And I click in the link "Subscribers" Then I should see "Jimy San" And I should see "jimysan@website.com" And I should see "John Doe" And I should see "john_doe@website.com" Scenario: Somebody already registered tries to submit to newsletter subscription form Given I visit the homepage When I fill in "subscription_first_name" with "Jimy" And I fill in "subscription_last_name" with "San" And I fill in "subscription_email" with "jimysan@website.com" And I click in the button "submit_subscription" Then I should see "You have already registered to our newsletter" Scenario: Export subscription list as a CVS file Given I am logged in as admin And I go to the subscribers page When I click in the link "Export CVS" Then I should see "Jimy,San,jimysan@website.com," And I should see "John,Doe,john_doe@website.com" # 7. Hookup the mailchimp API and send subscriber after subscription