A website template with lots of features, built with ruby on rails.

admin_panel_controller.rb 2.2KB

    class AdminPanelController < ApplicationController layout 'admin' before_filter :authenticate_user def maintenance_mode end def index redirect_to admin_dashboard_path end def dashboard @users = User.all @posts = BlogPost.all @files = Upload.all @contact_messages = ContactMessage.all @new_messages = @contact_messages.find_all_by_unread(true) end def posts @posts = BlogPost.all end def contact_messages @contact_messages = ContactMessage.order('created_at DESC').all end def show_contact_message @msg = ContactMessage.find(params[:id]) end def users @users = User.order('created_at DESC').all end def files @uploads = Upload.all end def site_config @config = Info.first end def site_config_update @config = Info.first respond_to do |format| if @config.update(info_params) format.html { redirect_to admin_config_path, notice: (t 'admin_panel.config_update_success') } format.json { head :no_content } else format.html { render action: 'site_config' } format.json { render json: @upload.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end def make_admin @user = User.find(params[:id]) if @user.admin == true @user.admin = false status = "admin_panel.unmake_admin_success" else @user.admin = true status = "admin_panel.make_admin_success" end respond_to do |format| if @user.save format.html { redirect_to admin_users_path, notice: (t status) } format.json { head :no_content } else format.html { redirect_to admin_users_path, alert: (t 'admin_panel.make_admin_error') } format.json { head :no_content } end end end private # Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through. def info_params params.require(:info).permit(:website_name, :website_link, :tagline, :contact_email, :server_email, :default_language, :maintenance_mode, :maintenance_title, :maintenance_message) end def authenticate_user redirect_to root_path, alert: (t 'admin_panel.permission_denied') unless current_user && current_user.admin? end end