Site para o estudio Velvet Design em São Paulo.

start.js 1.6KB

    // get the value of the bottom of the #main element by adding the offset of that element plus its height, set it as a variable $( document ).ready(function() { var mainbottom = $('#myCarousel').offset().top + ($('#myCarousel').height()*2)-10; var about_bottom = $('#post').offset().top + $('#post-image').height() - (screen.height - $('#post-image').height() + 152); var post_bottom = $('.feature-post-text').offset().top + $('.feature-post-text').height() - (screen.height - $('.feature-post-text').height() + 232); // on scroll, $(window).on('scroll',function(){ // we round here to reduce a little workload stop = Math.round($(window).scrollTop()); if (stop > mainbottom) { $('.navbar-inner').addClass('past-main'); } else { $('.navbar-inner').removeClass('past-main'); } }); // on scroll, $(window).on('scroll',function(){ // we round here to reduce a little workload stop = Math.round($(window).scrollTop()); if (stop > about_bottom) { $('#post-image').addClass('affix top-affix '); } else { $('#post-image').removeClass('affix top-affix '); } }); // on scroll, $(window).on('scroll',function(){ // we round here to reduce a little workload stop = Math.round($(window).scrollTop()); if (stop > post_bottom && stop > about_bottom) { $('#post-image').removeClass('affix top-affix '); var textsize = $('.feature-post-text').height() - $('#post-image').height()/2 - 80 $('#post-image').css('margin-top', textsize); } else { $('#post-image').css('margin-top', '0'); } }); });