James Peret jamesperet

jamesperet pushed to master at j1x/deepspeech-server

4 years ago

jamesperet pushed to master at jamesperet/codex-server

6 years ago

jamesperet pushed to master at jamesperet/home-automation

6 years ago

jamesperet pushed to master at jamesperet/home-automation

7 years ago

jamesperet pushed to master at jamesperet/home-automation

7 years ago

jamesperet pushed to master at jamesperet/home-automation

7 years ago

jamesperet pushed to master at jamesperet/home-automation

7 years ago

jamesperet pushed to master at jamesperet/home-automation

7 years ago

jamesperet pushed to master at jamesperet/home-automation

  • a16f44179e Reading temperature sensor Added code to read the temperature sensor using the ds18x20 library. If the necessary drivers are not running, then the script does not try to read the temperature.
  • 660213d698 Webpage light button The button in the dashboard page sends an http request with vue to the relay controller on the server. The relay controller checks if the relay ID exists, changes state and broadcasts thru socket.io to all dashboard pages.
  • 57f18298e0 Updated dashboard page Uptdated the design and javascript of the dashboard page. Added Vue.js and wrote some javascript functions client and server side for sending temperature information thru sockets.
  • ac591cf264 Dashboard Page and socket connection Added a dashboard page using the Day and Night Theme by James Peret. Also started creating the socket connection system for relaying updates from sensosrs and system changes.
  • 80b1430b04 Initial commit Initial project skeleton with a simple express server and a socket.io connection.

7 years ago

jamesperet created repository jamesperet/home-automation

7 years ago

jamesperet pushed to master at j1x/betabot-website

  • e4f88e07ec Initial commit Betabot landing page v1

7 years ago

jamesperet pushed to master at jamesperet/ipython-notebook

  • 12c4ab6004 Initial James Peret's iPython Notebook commit I have been toying around with this for a while and now i'm backing up all my files so its time to commit this code.

7 years ago

jamesperet created repository jamesperet/ipython-notebook

7 years ago

jamesperet pushed to master at j1x/hubot-multi-adapter

  • da1c692b9f Solve bodyparser production error Modified the option to true in the bodyparser.urlencode configuration
  • ec42960e5b Added token ID property to incoming socket messages Clients can send a property called token_id to a socket for user persistency across disconected sockets.
  • e77b06990b Add better logging functionality Better logging function with winston. Now all logging functions have been updated
  • 0f1a817c61 Use the Winston Logger Added a file with the winston module. Logs are saved locally and streamed to all available sockets with a special log command
  • View comparison for these 2 commits »

7 years ago

jamesperet pushed to master at jamesperet/codex-server

7 years ago

jamesperet pushed to master at j1x/hubot-multi-adapter

7 years ago

jamesperet pushed to master at jamesperet/codex-server

7 years ago

jamesperet pushed to master at jamesperet/codex-server

7 years ago

jamesperet pushed to master at jamesperet/codex-server

7 years ago

jamesperet created repository jamesperet/codex-server

7 years ago